DP Syllabi - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)










What is a Syllabus? What is the purpose of the Syllabus tool?

The Syllabus tool is a tool that allows the administration of to outline the scope and sequence of their syllabi, align the syllabi to the IB Learning Outcomes, and make the syllabi available to the educators.

A syllabus:

  • Captures the content, skills, and assessments taught or administered at each grade level
  • Organizes this information into an easily accessed visual representation that presents a timeline of instruction for Topics and Grade Levels
  • Ensures that there is consistency from one Grade Level and Topic to the next while ensuring that there is little redundancy in what is being taught

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How do I access the available Syllabi?

In the Teacher Tools section of the IBLearns system, click on DP Syllabi. The DP Syllabi tab will list all the Syllabi that have been created. Click on the Title of a Syllabus or enter a Keyword into the Keyword Search tool to search for a specific Syllabus.

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 Why can't I edit the Syllabi?

A group of individuals determined a format for the DP Syllabi. Through their work, a standard template was develped and Syllabi were created for various Subject Areas and Topics. The information within these Syllabi are not modifiable. You can, however, create an Instructional Syllabus and make edits within the Notes for Teaching column.

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How do I create an Instructional Syllabus?

To create an Instructional Syllabus, locate the Syllabus that you would like to use and click the green Add to My Syllabi button. This will automatically move you into the My Syllabi section and add that Syllabus to a list of selected Syllabi. Click the Create a New Instructional Syllabus button associated with the Syllabus to move the item into the My Instructional Syllabi section.

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How do I add resources to my Instructional Syllabus from My ePortfolio?

Click in the cell within the Notes for Teaching column to bring up a text editor for the cell. Click the Add from ePortfolio button to bring up the ePortfolio Manager. Locate and select the item in your ePortfolio and click the Insert button to attach the document to your Instructional Syllabus.

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How do I print a Syllabus?

Once a Syllabus has been created, there are several options available to you in the DP Syllabi area of the tool. These options will allow you to Edit, Print, and Copy the Map. Click the Print icon (printer) in the Options column. This will open a print preview version of the Syllabus. Click Print Friendly Version in the upper-right corner of the screen to open the print dialog box. Close the window/tab in your browser to return to the Options column.

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How do I add a Syllabus to My ePortfolio?

Open the Syllabus by clicking the Title of the Syllabus and click the Add to My ePortfolio link in the upper right corner of the Syllabus.

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