My Webpage - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)










I can't view my website. What did I do wrong?

In most cases, the user has not fully enabled his/her website. To do this, after logging in, go to My Website in the Teacher Tools area and check the boxes associated with the Terms of Use and the Enable My Website options. Please complete the activation by clicking the Save button at the bottom of the Website Builder.

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How do I give an assignment to my classes in my webpage?

From the Website Builder section, scroll down until you see the Assignments area. Click the "Add Assignment" button to bring up the Assignment Editor. Fill in the information as the Assignment Wizard requests, including the title and a description and set the webpages on which you would like the Assignment to appear. You may also attach documents to the Assignment from within the description field by clicking the "Add from ePortfolio" button in the editor. Finally select the dates for when you would like the Assignment to appear and become inactive and click the Save button. The Assignment will then appear on the webpage(s) you chose on the date that you selected.

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I am clicking on "View My Webpage" and nothing is happening. What is wrong?

Your browser may be set to be blocking pop-ups. For directions on how to disable your pop-up blocker for, please click here.

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How do I add a picture/image/clipart to my Webpage?

Once you have an image saved to your computer, open the Edit view for the webpage onto which you like to insert the image and click the "Add from ePortfolio" button in the toolbar.  Click the Upload File button and locate the file on your computer.  Once uploaded, check the box associated with the image and click the Insert Selected button.  You may then manipulate the image as you need.


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How can I share a document or other file with students through my webpage?

Login to IBLearns, go to My Website in the Teacher Tools, and go to the page where you want the file to show up.  Click on the Edit button to the right of the page name.  The editor window will open.  Click on the "My Portfolio" button to the right in the toolbar.  Click on the Upload File(s) button.

A new window will open.  Select the folder within your portfolio where you want the file to be saved.  Click the Select button to locate the file on your computer.  Then, click the Upload button in the lower right hand corner.

Click the Browse Portfolio tab in the upper left.  Click on the name of the folder where you saved the file.  Click on the box in front of the file name to check the box.  Click the Insert Selected button in the lower right hand corner.  This will insert the file into your webpage.

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How can I find out how many people have visited my site?


You can view the usage statistics of visitors to your site by clicking the View Reports icon in the My Website tool.



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What is the purpose of the Copyright Statement in the Display Options tab?

Under United States copyright law, no copyright notice is required in order to have copyright protection on your original work. This is the statement from the United States Copyright Office about when your works are protected: 'Your work is under copyright protection the moment it is created and fixed in a tangible form that it is perceptible either directly or with the aid of a machine or device.' This means that you do not need to have the copyright statement on your webpage in order for your webpage to have copyright protection.

Placing the copyright statement on your webpage does give you several additional rights. For example, if you have the copyright statement on your website and someone were to violate your Copyright, that person could not defend the violation by claiming that s/he was not aware the website was copyrighted.

Further protections can be gained by actually registering your copyright with the United States Copyright Office, such as the ability to bring suit against someone who violates your copyright. This is probably a bit beyond what is necessary for a teacher webpage, though.

You can find a lot of good information about Copyright on the United States Copyright Office website at The section titled "About Copyright" on the main page provides useful information.



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